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Talk About a Flop

 Back in April I was meant to be heading out on my first adventure for 2018.

But let me tell you, it didn't happen! In the weeks running up to the day, I had the flu, I think for about 2 weeks.

The week of the trip we got snow on the Monday. Yay, already off to a good start. On top of my 3rd week of the flu. I was determined to go though... in my head.

But the fact I wasn't sleeping and if I was sleeping I was basically upright already but a bump in the plan with having no solid surface in the tent to lean against. Lying down hurt and and made me cough and from coughing at that time I'd managed to pull muscles on both sides of my ribs...

It hurt to breathe, roll over, get out of bed, never mind driving for hours, sticking a tent up and kitting it out.

By Wednesday morning, although I was feeling better than I had, I knew there was no point in going at all as I was coming back a day earlier to attend a 2nd birthday party. Apparently I'm not allowed to miss a Paw Patrol party first thing on a Saturday morning.

I was narked, tired and in need of a holiday, but I guess I'll just have to wait until July.... hmmph!

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